It is an international start-up company headquartered in the UK.
We are committed to promoting innovation and entrepreneurship on a global scale, providing high-quality education and business solutions for students, enterprises and partners.


Risks are safer than others think. Dreams are more realistic than others think.

  1. Global vision.
  2. Diverse subsidiaries and partners.
  3. Personalized service.
  4. Rich experience and professional team.
  5. Reliability and credibility.

Choosing WEIZHENG GROUP LTD means choosing a reliable partner. We will wholeheartedly provide you with high-quality education and entrepreneurial solutions to help you achieve personal and organizational success. Whether your goal is to study abroad, cooperate in education or start a business and innovate, we will work together with you to create a better future.

  1. The power of education.
  2. International cooperation and exchange.
  3. Personalized service and care.
  4. sustainable development.
  5. Excellence and innovation.

By adhering to these concepts, we are committed to becoming a leading company in the field of education, creating positive impacts on students, partners and society, and promoting the progress and development of education.

  1. Students successfully admitted
  2. Educational Cooperation Project
  3. Entrepreneurial support
  4. social influence
  5. Industry recognition

These achievements cannot be achieved without the efforts of our professional team and the support of our partners. We will continue to work hard, constantly pursue excellence, and create more value and achievements for customers and society.

Need professional business consulting and investment?

If you have any questions, you can contact us
