June 19, 2023

our achievements

We are proud of the following achievements:

  1. Successful admission of students: We have helped a large number of Chinese students successfully obtain opportunities to study abroad. Through our professional guidance and support, they can enter world-class universities and achieve their academic and professional goals.
  2. Educational cooperation projects: We have established close cooperative relations with educational institutions, universities and government departments in many countries. Through cooperative projects, we have promoted educational exchanges and cooperation between China and these countries, and promoted cross-cultural academic research and mutual visits between teachers and students.
  3. Entrepreneurship Support: We provide comprehensive support and guidance for students and entrepreneurs who have entrepreneurial dreams. By providing services such as entrepreneurship training, resource integration and entrepreneurship incubation, we help them realize their entrepreneurial dreams and achieve certain commercial achievements.
  4. Social impact: We are committed to promoting the public welfare of education. Through charitable donations and social project support, we provide educational funding for students in poor areas, help them improve their educational conditions, and enhance their future development opportunities.
  5. Industry recognition: Our professional ability and business strength have been recognized by the industry. We have received several awards and accolades attesting to our excellence and contribution in the field of international education.

These achievements cannot be achieved without the efforts of our professional team and the support of our partners. We will continue to work hard, constantly pursue excellence, and create more value and achievements for customers and society.

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our service

As an international start-up company, we focus on driving innovation and entrepreneurship across

our achievements

We are proud of the following achievements: Student Admissions Success: We Helped a Large Number of

our philosophy

Our philosophy is: The power of education: We firmly believe that education is to change the individual

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